Geeta Jayanti 2022 Five Geeta Updesh Life Changing Success Mantra

Geeta Jayanti 2022 Five Geeta Updesh Life Changing Success Mantra

Geeta Jayanti 2022 Verse: Geeta Jayanti is on 3 December 2022. The festival of Gita Jayanti is celebrated on the day of Mokshada Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Marshish month. This day has special importance in Hinduism, Gita has the essence of the whole life. It is believed that the verses given in Gita are effective in making a person’s life meaningful and successful. In Kurukshetra, Lord Krishna did the task of taking Arjuna from darkness to light by giving him the knowledge of Dharma and Karma through the teachings of Gita. There are total 18 chapters and 700 verses of Gita. Out of these, there are 5 such important things which show the way to success by removing all the difficulties of a person. Let’s know.

control anger

To achieve the goal, it is very important to control anger. In a fit of anger, a person not only harms himself, it can harm others as well. It has been told in the Gita that anger creates confusion, confusion destroys the power to think and understand, when the intellect is disturbed, then logic is destroyed and then man destroys himself.

believe in karma

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Shri Krishna has told that every living being in this world gets the fruit according to his deeds. It is futile to worry about the result while doing work, because it creates a state of disorientation. Do not get disappointed even if you do not get success in any work, because failure also opens the doors of knowledge. As there is happiness in victory, there is learning in defeat. Those who pay less attention to actions and more attention to fruits remain unhappy and restless.

mind control

The human mind is very fickle. In the desire to get something, it easily goes astray. Krishna says that if life is to be taken in the direction of success, then it is very important to control the mind. Excessive attachment to things is a big reason for our failure, because when it is not fulfilled, anger will arise and the person will deviate from the goal. By controlling the mind, the power of the mind is concentrated, due to which success starts in the works.

balance is great strength

Change is the rule of nature. According to Gita, man should keep himself equal in every situation. Balance is very important in life. Happiness, sorrow, love, do not overdo anything. For example, talking about happiness when it comes and being immersed in despair in times of sorrow, both are harmful. Imbalance hinders both the speed and direction of life.

understand yourself

It is very important for every human being to know himself before others. Krishna says in the Gita that one who assesses himself knows his strengths and weaknesses, due to this he is able to build his personality in the right way.

Geeta jayanti 2022: Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta is in the house, so do not do this mistake even by mistake, you will not get full benefit

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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